Entry 10: The Three M's and R (Mean, Median, Mode and Range)!

Personal Objective:
For this week's entry, I wanted to focus on statistics specifically the three M's (Mean, Median, and Mode) and Range. These concepts are useful tools for analyzing large groups of numbers. Students may find the statistics overwhelming.

Common Core Standard:
Sixth Grade: 6.SP.A.2
Understand that a set of data collected to answer a statistical question has a distribution which can be described by its center, spread, and overall shape.


Other Resources:
The Animated Classroom:

Math Antics:

Teachers Pay Teachers Fortune Teller:

Mean, Median, Mode, and Range require students to learn a new set of rules. Students would have to understand that the mean is another name for average and the student will need to add up all the numbers and divide by the sum of the numbers added. To find the median, you must arrange the numbers in sequential order and determine the number in the middle. If two numbers are in the middle, then you have to find the average of those two numbers. The mode is the number that appears the most. Finally to find the range you have to subtract or find the difference between the biggest number and the smallest number. When I was younger, I enjoyed learning the 3 M's and range. I envision it as a puzzle. Maybe creating a puzzle might help your future students. I wanted to find helpful resources to help with classroom instruction.

I found two worksheets from MathWorksheets4kids.com that can be helpful for student assessment. I found two very different YouTube videos that help enhance students' comprehension. One a little more animated than the other. Lastly, the Fortune Teller a mini art project. I remember making little Fortune Tellers when I was younger with my peers. I am definitely having a 90's baby flashback.

Thank You For Reading!


  1. Chavonna! I really like the fortune teller idea- as students love to make those! I also think it is important to know the difference between mean, median, and mode as it is important in other mathematical concepts. I really like the videos that might make this concept a little more relatable to middle school students. I also like the idea of creating a puzzle for students.


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