Entry 2: Shapes, Shapes, and More Shapes!

Personal Objective:
This week I wanted to focus on second-grade geometry, which would include 2-dimensional shapes and introducing fractions.

Common Core Standard:
Second Grade: 2.G
Reason with shapes and their attributes.
  • Recognize and draw shappes having specific atributes, such as a given number of angels or a given number of equal faces. Identify triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and cubes.
  • Partition a rectangel into rows and columns of same size squares and count to find the total number of them.
  • Partition circles and rectangles into two, three, or four equal shares, describe the shares, descrbe the shares using words halves, thirds, half of, a third of, etc., and describe the whole as two halves, three thirds, four fourths. Recognize that equal shares of a identical wholes need not hbae the same shape.
Other Resources:

I found two worksheets from Education.com that would be a good way for students to see shapes and fractions in relation to one another after the students were previously introduced to shapes. Some students may find remembering the names of shapes and fractions to be quite tricky. I believe that it would be great to relate the terms to everyday objects, which is why I found Mr. Ray's fraction song to be extremely useful. Not only does it use pizza to explain fractions, but it is a catchy song. 


  1. Chavonna , I liked how you explored second grade fractions and shapes. I always believe that a catchy song or activity brings home a lesson. So Mr. Ray's fraction song was a great addition to your fraction lesson. I also liked the worksheet. I find myself using colorful and fun worksheet with my current students to get them more engaged. I'm curious to know if students would be more interested in learning about fractions if they had real life examples such as pizza, or other interesting manipulates . This is often a hard topic for children to grasp so maybe if teachers use real life objects to represent fractions then possibly it would make learning more appealing. Excellent Job !!!

  2. I loved the incorporation of a song for this topic. Like Darlyn I also believe that a catchy tune, game, or saying can tie together a lesson and keep the critical information in their brains. I think the more fun you can have with teaching the subject the better (obviously finding the right balance between learning and fun). I have found that food or some treat grabs the attention of students, especially since these are second graders. Great Job, this is very engaging!!


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