Entry 1: Understanding the Importance of Place Value

Personal Objective:
This week I wanted to look into the best ways to introduce place values and value comparisons of the ones and tens place to a first-grade class. My goal was to focus more on conceptual knowledge rather than procedural knowledge. 

Common Core Standard:
First Grade:1.NBT
  • Understand that the two-digit number represents amount of tens and ones. 
  • Compare two two-digit numbers based on meanings of the tens and ones digits, recording the results of comparisons with the symbols >,=, and<.
Place Value Activity:

Comparing Numbers Activity:

Other Resources:

I really enjoyed the Khan Academy video. For me, it has been a while since I have actually thought of the meaning and importance of the place values, specifically tens and ones. The Khan Academy video provided essential background knowledge. While completing both worksheets, I noticed that there was a method that used memorization that did not require an individual to have complete comprehension of the subject. With my second attempt, I wanted to use a visual technique that was a little more involved, which is why I color coordinated the steps.


  1. Hi Chovanna,

    Great idea!!! I like how you differentiated the work for all students. I love khan Academy. We use that program in my school in addition to Go Math.


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